2010-08-03 | MENHIR - TRACK LIST & RELEASE DATE | Fredrik Huldtgren |
Our thirds full-length album Menhir will be released on the 14th of August 2010, first in digital format, whereafter a physical digipack release will follow. We are extremely pleased with the finished product and hope you will be too. Check out the Menhir mini-site at menhir.nu and stayed tuned for further updates! |
Tags: canopy menhir release |
2010-04-13 | Reviews for "Will and Perception" | Fredrik Huldtgren |
Patience people! |
Tags: review, will and perception, metalstorm |
2009-11-05 | Another review | Fredrik Huldtgren |
We will be posting more information about the upcoming Canopy album a bit later, right now we're listening to early mixes. Titles, artwork and samples will come in due time! |
Tags: review, autothrall, will and perception |
2009-10-21 | Studio Life | Jonatan Hedlin |
As you may or may not know we've been very busy recording our third album (right in the midst of our second being released). We're currently wrapping up bass and guitar tracks, awaiting Fred's arrival tomorrow. The third album is due for a 2010 release, details will follow. It's the most diverse Canopy CD so far and shows a wider range of dynamics, not just the usual heavy/calm run-of-the-mill. Titles, artwork, samples and so on will show up in early 2010. |
Tags: new album studio recording |
2009-10-20 | Reviews for Will and Perception | Fredrik Huldtgren |
We got a couple of reviews to share! |
Tags: review, will and perception, metalreviews, metalreview |
2009-10-05 | Gig(s) in Sweden | Fredrik Huldtgren |
Well well, |
Tags: garage, märsta, gigs |
2009-09-28 | Another show booked | Fredrik Huldtgren |
Hello everyone |
Tags: gigs, holland, den haag, musicon, european tourture |
2009-09-21 | The website | Fredrik Huldtgren |
Hello everyone! |
Tags: website, update, news |
2009-09-01 | More shows | Fredrik Huldtgren |
So, some quick news then. We have two new gigs to announce. Both of them taking place in The Netherlands. On the 2nd of October, we will invade The Cave (Amsterdam), and on the 3rd of October it is time for Brothers of Beer (Leiden). Originally we also had two concerts in Geneva lined up, but the police closed down the concert hall so that was sadly enough cancelled. Last week, I was back up in Sweden to do the pre-recording of the new Canopy album. We ended up coming away with quite a number of songs finished, and a few more that are almost done. Towards the middle of September, Peter and Jonis will begin recording the drums. We are aiming to have the music done by mid-October. After that follows all the work with artwork and such. Based on our previous experiences, I won't go out with any estimate for when the CD will be ready for ordering, but know that we are working hard on getting it out to you as soon as possible! Cheers and see you on the road!-F |
Tags: Will and Perception 2009,t-shirt,live,european tourture,amsterdam,leiden,geneva |
2009-07-27 | Webshop back up! | Fredrik Huldtgren |
Hello again! |
Tags: Will and Perception 2009,t-shirt,live,european tourture |
2009-07-20 | Will and Perception - 2009 | Fredrik Huldtgren |
I just checked the FedEx tracking page, and apparantly the CDs are now at Jonatans place! For those of you interested in ordering a copy of the CD, the shop has been updated! I will be adding some combo deals later on this week. If you want to buy a t-shirt and a CD, please send us an e-mail for prices! |
Tags: Will and Perception 2009 |
2009-01-21 | Sleep | Jonatan Hedlin |
As far as contact with the rest of the world goes - Canopy has been asleep for quite some time now. Our upcoming full-length CD "Will and Perception" has been delayed, and no gigs to be seen. But lets stay in the present for a while. As I said, our second album Will and Perception is to be released in the coming months by Disconcert Music. This is by a far the Canopy-recording that we are most satisfied with to date, and includes 8 songs and circa 40 minutes of music. And finally. We did book another gig! We're gonna be crushing souls at This Ending's release-party. Harry B James, Stockholm, 1st of February. Dont miss this chance. |
Tags: Will and Perception 2009,live,Harry B James |
2008-01-28 | Drums Recorded |
Peter did a great job in ghetto studios this weekend and nailed 9 songs in 14 hours. We'll move swiftly to recording rhythm guitars and bass in Sawmill studios, during next week. Don't miss the gig on friday! |
2008-01-25 | One more Gig at Gula Villan |
Canopy will host a party at Gula Villan, Haninge, on the 1st of February. Some good friends will share the stage with us: Chainsaw, Feared and Barbus. |
2008-01-25 | Second Full-lenght |
Today we entered the studio once again to record our second full-length release. This will actually be a full-length version of our second EP, Will and Perception. It will be entirely re-recorded, re-mixed and re-mastered. To put it simple: re-done. It will feature 8 songs, which are all arranged to fit into the Will and Perception theme together with the 5 original songs. The progress this far is setting up the drums for recording. Updates will follow. |
2007-08-04 | Live pictures |
We've updated the gallery with some new live pictures from the gig at Harry B James. |
2007-07-14 | Shop updated |
The shop is now updated with the paypal buttons needed to buy the T-shirts! |
2007-07-12 | Gig @ Harry B James and New Merch |
Canopy will play Harry B James, central Stockholm, on the 25th of July together with Angrepp. We will bring at least one song never played live before, as well as some pieces of our brand new t-shirt. This new design is available in all sizes, S-XL, and is limited to a total of 50 pieces. Our online shop will soon be updated with this new shirt, but if you cant wait, contact us directly. More info in the canopy forum. |
2007-04-25 | Bålsta Gig |
Pretty mild dose of updates lately around here. Mainly we have been working on two things, one is improving our live-sound at least one notch and the other is preparing material for the next Canopy recording. However, here comes a rare chance for some good old headbanging for ppl in Stockholm or Uppsala, Canopy will play Tinnitus UF in Bålsta on the 28th of April, this saturday. |
2006-11-22 | Gig at Tantogården cancelled/postponed |
Due to reasons beyond our control the gig at Tantogården on the third of February will not happen. However, we are working on setting up a new date with the same bill, hopefully in a not to distant future. |
2006-11-22 | New review |
A new review done by Nocturnal Horde has now been placed online. You can |
2006-11-05 | Holy update Batman! |
So we've neglected the website a bit here lately. Jonatan has moved ~1000km north of Stockholm, and I moved to a new apartment not too long ago! However, none of these geografical movments impact the machine that is Canopy! We just had a gig in Södertälje at Club Undertaker, together with Protectors and Vornth(A big fuck you to the retard in Vorth!). Live pictueres and comments will be up soon. Today we had a fotoshoot with Peter Herneheim and we've now got some really awsome pictures. We're going to do some work on them, and then post them out for you to see! Currently there are a few t-shirts left, in sizes M and L. If you're interested, check out the store! We're currently working on some new material, but it's too early to disclose much about the CD. All I can say at the moment is that it's going to be huge. As always, if you've got any questions or comments, drop by our forum! |
2006-08-16 | Update in Band-section |
A major update on the band-section. You'll notice som info is missing, and pherhaps there is still a graphic-glitch on the main-band page, but I'll try to fix this for the next update. |
2006-08-14 | Curse of Metal with Vicous Art |
On the 9th of September it is time for some serious headbanging in Jakobsberg as Canopy, Vicous Art and three other bands enter Hus1 on a night labeled "Curse of Metal". Check out the poster. |
2006-07-16 | Apperance at Mølla music festival |
We'll do our first abroad gig @ Mølla music festival in Norway on the 19th of August, sharing stage with experimental masterminds Arcturus. We are looking forward to trespassing norwegian soil! The festival spans over the 18th and 19th of August. |
2006-07-10 | Site-launch |
After some delays due to lack of time and technical issues (we're bloody musicians, not webdesigners) this new Canopy website has been pushed forward for a while, but as you can see it is finally available. There are still some issues around here, and we will probably be exterminating bugs for a while longer. And you'll have to excuse the empty bandpage for a while too. |
2006-06-26 | New CD and releaseparty |
The first edition of Serene Catharsis is available for order! We will have a bigger release in the Americas this time, but you guys over there will have to wait a short while for things to sort up. |
2006-04-29 | Gigs! |
We'll be playing at Pub Anchor on the 4th of May. The other act for the night is Arise! Drop by and bang your heads off! |
2006-04-06 | Long time no update! |
Well, it's been quite some time since we updated the webpage, mainly due to the fact that we're incredibly busy working on the new album. Status right now is that all drums, bass and rhytm guitar have been recorded! Quite a bit of the lead guitar is done and we've started working on laying the vocals. A time with Peter in deBetou has been booked for mastering. Things are flowing by quite nicely!For those of you interested in ordering CDs, I can inform you that as of this date, there are only 2 copies of During Day One left! So please mail me before you order one!More news to come soon, the way things are looking right now, we should be signed before Serene Catharsis hits the shelfs! |
2006-01-11 | Gig pictures! |
I just got some pictures from the gig tonight at H62. Check em out here. There will be a report coming up soon! |
2005-12-21 | New gig! |
Canopy will be playing at H62(Stockholm) on the 11th of January. The gig is organized by Club 666. The tickets cost 50:- and are to be bought from us. Drop by our forum, or get in touch with us through e-mail to get your hands on a ticket! |
2005-12-06 | Minor updates! |
I've finally finished fixing all the comments and pictures for our gigs! You can check it all out here. I've also placed the Fan art that we've received here, please take a look at all of it! There are a couple of wallpapers there as well!The lyrics for 'Will and Perception' are also available! Remember, we still have a few T-shirts left for sale! We've also got reprints of 'Will and Perception' available as well! |
2005-12-01 | New CD! |
We're currently working our first full length album! The tenative title for the album is "Serene Catharsis" and it wil probably include 10 songs. Working songtitles are: |
2005-10-30 | Gig reports + Videos! |
For those of you who follow the happenings in our forum, you will have noticed that the video to 'For the Sickened Voice to Hear' has been released! Many thanks to PA for all the hard work he put into it! If you are experiencing slow download speeds, visit our forum for the mirrored sites.In other news, Canopy visited gothenburg on the 28th and played at 'The Crypt', together with two other bands, 'Ignatum' and 'Obduracy'. Many thanks to cnm for setting up that gig. Read more about the gig and view some pictures here.The first pressings of 'Will and Perception' has been sold out since quite some time, but are now available once again! The new pressing also features a slightly different artwork, and the video to 'For the Sickened Voice to Hear' as bonus material! If you are interested in ordering one, check out the 'Will and Perception' page here. |
2005-10-04 | News |
The gig at M&G was quite an interesting occasion. Read more about it at our forum.In other news, we've got a new gig confirmed. Canopy will be playing at The Crypt in Gothemburg on the 28th of October. More specific times and such will be presented soon. |
2005-08-02 | New gigs |
At the 16:th of September we will play M&G, a beerserving place in Valletuna. Since Canopy is the only band on the bill we might do a couple of special/extra tunes since we have a lot of time. |
2005-08-31 | EnterCanopy.com - Autumn edition |
As we enter the fall, so does the look of this website! It's been a while since the last update. In addition to this new layout I have done minor updates (a little in the biography, new playlists for me and Fredrik and a couple of new links). |
2005-07-01 | Gig |
There has been some further updates on the "band" page. And also, a new gig is at hand. We'll enter Gula Villan together with Amok and Subcyde at the 13th of August. Be sure to be there that saturday and take part in the headbanging and beerdrinking. |
2005-06-28 | Summer report |
So, what's been down lately? Peter and Erik went to relatives in Finland, Fredrik went to Hultsfred (blame NIN) Daniel went to the middle part of sweden (for a drunken weekend or something) and I stayed at home working on a new recording of a epos track by the project name of "lamp" (the song has nothing to do with Canopy though) |
2005-06-11 | Forum is back |
It happend quite a while ago, but I haven't had time to report it: The forum is back. It is exactly the same as it used to be, but with a new host. This is due to scandinavianmetal being closed for good. |
2005-05-25 | Updates |
It's been some not-canopy-related business goin on for a while (mainly me and Erik finsihing high-school studies) so its been a bit easy-going with rehearsals and website updates lately. Anyway, there are some updates to come - Updated member profiles as well as a bunch of new pictures. |
2005-04-30 | 'Will and Perception' mp3s now up ! |
All songs from the new EP 'Will and Perception' have now been placed online and are available for download. Please leave us your comments in our forum. |
2005-03-16 | Special Offer! |
At the moment the number of copies of 'During Day One' are running quite low, and with the release of the new demo 'Will and Perception', we're offering a special 2-for-1 kind of deal! Buy both demos, for 10€/$15, shipping included! 16-03-05 - More details online |
2005-03-15 | New song up for grabs |
A new song is available in Mp3! The song is called decipher and will be the opening track of our new demo "Will and Perception". Get it! |
2005-02-25 | Picutres from Club 666 |
Well, the pictures + comments from Club 666 are online, plus a new confirmed gig @ Lidingörock. As you may or may not know we have recorded all the instruments for the new demo, and if everything goes according to plan weäll finish the vocals and mixing during after-work-hours next week. |
2005-02-04 | Back in the studio |
And so studiolife has begun yet again for Canopy. Today we had the first session at "Modern art Studios" with Kristian Niemann. It wasn't a real day, just some hours testing out the drums (wherafter peter actually nailed two songs) More details on the discography page |
2005-01-20 | DDO lyrics and livepage updated |
I've finally fixed the live page with proper upcoming gigs and added the Alcazar gig to the past ones. In addition to that the lyrics for our "During Day One EP" are available at the discography page (at last). |
2005-01-19 | Site back - Major update |
Allright, I've set up a new computer and this site will be updated regulary again, yey! Well, whats going on? A lot is going on. We've just reached the semi-finals in the Emergenza competition after a rather succesfull gig at alcazar (nalen) yesterday. The setlist consisted of three songs from the DDO demo, one cover and one song from the upcoming demo. Yea, that's right, we have an upcoming demo. |
2004-12-29 | Gig |
Updates of the page have been quite few as of lately, mainly due to the fact that Jonis' computer is no more. So here comes a quick little update. Canopy will be playing at Club666 on Feb 22. We will be accompanied by two other bands, namely The Searing I and Swedish Massacre. Tickets are 50 SEK and can be bought from us. Expect a night to remember! Death attack! |
2004-10-13 | Live vid' |
Canopy was caught on tape last friday, and we decided to put up a 7:40 livevideo for you guys to devour. The song is called Twilight and is a classic piece by Edge of Sanity. Enjoy_! - Download - Media section - |
2004-10-07 | Gigz |
Allrighto, two more dates for "During Tour One". We'll play Elverket in Lidingö October 22nd and there'll be a gig in Järfälla 12th of November. More details will be added later on. But don't sit around waiting for these dates if you read this today, see us tommorow @ Runan [Täby Kyrkby]! |
2004-10-04 | Time for an update |
So, we've began to sell som copies of the during day one demo now, nice to see interest out there. About the gig on friday (8th of octo): |
2004-09-25 | Finally |
I've finally sent the acutal demo for mastering now, and Peter Almgren did a great work with the layout, the package will be kickass. Click here for info on ordering a demo. The price set is 40 SEK/5€/$8 with shipping included (the cheapest we could afford, since the production price for every copy is about 25 kr). For international prices and ways to order (pay-pal will be available) just contact us. |
2004-09-01 | Live date |
The second chance to see Canopy live is here! On the 8th of October (Friday) we'll take on the infamous "Runan" in Täby kyrkby. Demos will be available, and they won't be expensive. There will be two more bands on the bill, possibly Divine Dominion and Fear the Future. So come by, contribute with some headbangin' and keep the scene alive. See you there. |
2004-08-25 | Mp3s! |
Three out of four songs from the upcoming During Day One EP are available for download! They are not the absolutely final versions, but not at all far from. This Mp3 pre-realease is our thank you to everyone who keeps this scene alive, and I hope at least some of you will grab the actual demo later on (they will be sold in a highquality package). Anyway, check the discography or media for some pre-realease action. |
2004-08-19 | Major update |
More info about the upcoming EP on the discography page, including the cover! Also a link section added, and an interact section with our brand new official forum. We are currently working on some live-dates, and hopefully we have at least one confirmed soon. Cheers! |
2004-08-04 | Demo recorded |
Today we nailed the acoustic gutars, and erik did a couple of leads aswell, and now we can proudly anounce that the demo is recorded. I'll be finishing the mixes tommorow, and then probably send them to pregal media for mastering. I don't know about the wacken pre-realease, it feels a bit rushed at the moment, but we'll see about that. |
2004-07-27 | Demo almost done |
The vocals for the during day one demo are all done, and so are the rhythm gutiars since a while back. Some leadparts are recorded too, so it isn't much left now. The first realease will be in germany actually, so if you want to grab one of the first DDO EPs be sure to visit Wacken Open Air festival, and we'll gladly hand you one for a cool beer from the bar. |
2004-07-19 | Update |
Finally my internet connection is stable again, phew. In addition, Erik and I are back home from Arvika and ready to put some guitars on the EP. It was about two weeks since Daniel put the basstracks on tapes, so it's kind of about time (lazy homestudio behaviour). As a little bonus, watch the all silent movieclips from the recording so far, on the discography page. |
2004-07-04 | Bass done |
The bass for the During Day One demo are recorded! More info on the discography page. |
2004-06-27 | Drums done |
The drums for the During Day One demo are recorded. Next up is bass. More info on the discography-page. |
2004-06-20 | Studio Diary |
We're currently trying to produce some kind of demo at my place, and if you want to keep updated in this issue, check out the discography section now and then for my studio notes. |
2004-05-29 | Live pictures |
Some nice live pics taken by Pete [A-bros] during our gig at Nova are uploaded. reach them through the live section or the media section. A shortcut URL for this page is also available: www.canopyband.tk |
2004-05-28 | Still updating |
Well, there is a simple guestbook available now. I've also added Eriks info to the band page (all individual info-pages are online now) and fixed som typeos I will add a media section soon, and maybe som links. Oh, and Daniel had to create a new loggo for this webpage since the former one unfortunately turned out to use the same font as another band. |
2004-05-27 | Updates, updates, updates |
Allright, now you can find something biography-like in the "band" section plus individual info for every band member but Erik. I've also removed all broken links and replaced them with temporary templates. I also added Peters comment regarding the Nova gig. |
2004-05-26 | Further updates | Fredrik Huldtgren |
The page is still growing. All sections are still incomplete, but I've added some information about myself on the bandpage and little comment on the latest livegig. All pictures from that gig are not available yet, but they will be in a couple of days. |
Tags: new homepage,bio,biography |
2004-04-25 | Canopy Online! | Fredrik Huldtgren |
I am proud to announce the first version of the official Canopy homepage. Keep checking this page for updates regarding the band. For starters, I will put up some pictures and comments from the gig @ Nova/Vallentuna which took place last Saturday. |
Tags: new homepage,vallentuna,Nova |